How we harvest and easily store potatoes ALL winter without fail

How we harvest and easily store potatoes ALL winter without fail

Let me show you how we harvest and then store potatoes all winter long. So we're never without!

I grew up on potatoes. Potatoes have always been a mainstay in our family meals. My dad was a potato farmer and my sister, Maria and her family, still grow potatoes! She supplies us with THE BEST potato seed and-- as a result, we grow fabulous potatoes!

Mondak potatoes at Prairie Road Organic Seed

We use a one row potato digger! It's an antique beavertail digger that was modified to fit a three-point hitch. You can see it here! 

'The Beav,' as we affectionately call it, lays the potatoes out in a nice swath on either side of the trench. And we just have to pick 'em up! NICE and easy!

'The beav' trench at Prairie Road Organic Seed

Watch our YouTube video on our digger, diggin' potatoes, and putting 'em in storage. And see our potato storage room along with our 'cooling' strategy! 

And you'll find the link to get your own high quality potato seed-- they'll set you up for success. It all starts with the seed. These seeds are tested, state certified, AND certified organic!  Watch our video and click the link in our description. 

Wishing you an abundant harvest season! Hope your winter storage is filling up!

Our best to you,