As you prepare for the new growing season and tee yourself up for creating a new garden plan in the New Year-- ask yourself:
- What worked this previous garden year?
- What didn’t work?
- What did I really enjoy doing and growing in 2021?
- What did I not like and plan to eliminate in 2022?
- Make a list of the varieties you grew— your favorites and why?
- Disappointments and why?
These are powerful questions. Take some time to sit with them, reflect, and jot down your answers-- these are your 'notes to self'!
As you reflect and record your thoughts, you may surprise yourself with new observations and insights. This is you— interpreting what you learned. And thinking about how to apply what you learned to a new garden plan in a new year. The end result? Better plans for a better growing season.
After answering these questions, you’ll be ready for the next step— creating that 2022 garden plan and calendar. We'll tackle that next time right here! In the meantime…
We’d love if you would share your insights by dropping them into a product review on our website! Just go to the variety you want to review, scroll down to the reviews below the variety description and click on the link 'Write a review'.
Our old and new customers will thank you as they prepare for the new growing season—- with the benefit of your experience!
And we thank you! Here's to a great new growing season in this New Year!
Our best to you,
Theresa & Dan