Cold Seeding Flowers: Get a jump start on spring! December 3, 2020Late fall and early winter is a perfect time to cold seed flowers or create your pollinator garden-- until snow makes it impractical! The timing mimics Mother Nature’s seed scattering,...
How to shell your dry beans-- fast and easy! October 22, 2020Your kitchen decor and pantry will both benefit greatly from an assortment of heirloom dry beans. The array of colors and patterns will delight the eye as well as your palate!...
How to store onions for the long winter October 14, 2020Onion varieties differ greatly in their ability to be stored over the winter. Some won’t make it past Christmas and others can hold well into the spring. Onions need to...
Got Garlic? Why -n- how! August 19, 2020Garlic has a long history and long-lived reputation as a natural immune system booster that helps your body fight infection and viral attacks. Garlic also provides a long list of health benefits. ...
Dig for Victory! Gardening Goes Viral (pun intended) March 22, 2020Victory gardens have been on my mind and in my heart as we work overtime to fill seed orders! During both World War I and World War II Victory Gardens...
Tired of those plastic seed trays? Wanna be more sustainable... March 10, 2020Economical enough to be disposable. Strong enough to be reusable. Durable enough to last. What do we really value and why? Recently a friend introduced me to a project he's...